Frost & Flowers

Ohio weather can be very unpredictable: We can experience all 4 seasons in a week, and have in years past. How can you have a beautiful green and growing garden with this climate? Study up and learn what flowers can handle the frost and snow of Ohio winter. Below is a list of flowers that have been able to handle the cold along with tips while shopping for flowers:

Frost-hardy flowers include any perennials, which means that they live multiple years. When selecting these plants, pay attention to the hardiness zones listed on their tags. Since Ohio is in zones 5 and 6, anything with zone 5 or less should tolerate Ohio winters and grow again the next spring (though they may need protection in a particularly cold winter). Examples of perennials that survive in Ohio are asters, astilbe, bleeding hearts, carnations, coneflowers, daylilies, foxgloves, hollyhocks, hydrangeas, poppies, shasta daisies and all kinds of bulbs, such as crocuses, daffodils, glory-of-snow, irises and tulips.

Be sure to research what you want, and how long you want your garden to look a certain way. As always, contact us here at EddyBrook if you have any questions or your own tips to share!