Different Types of Grass

Kentucky bluegrass: Kentucky bluegrass is a cool-season grass that grows best during the fall, winter, and spring months when temperatures are cool. Its growth slows during the warm summer months. Kentucky bluegrass prefers full sun, but will tolerate some shade.

Bermuda: Bermuda grass is planted for beautiful, durable grass lawns, nutritious and traffic tolerant pastures, sports turf, golf courses, athletic fields, and more. This perennial grass grows in tropical, sub-tropical and the transition zones.

Fescue: Fescue is referred to as a cool-season grass. As the name implies, cool-season grasses can endure cold temperatures but decline in the summer’s heat. There are numerous turf-type fescues available.  Turf-type fescues are improved fescue varieties that have finer blades and deeper, more vigorous root systems. Generally, they are more disease and drought resistant.  They can also tolerate shade and temperature extremes better than some of the older fescue varieties.

Zoysia:  Zoysia is great for warmer climates. Zoysia grass is a soft, dense, attractive home turf grass option. When established and properly cared for, zoysia is heat and drought resistant and can stand up to heavy foot traffic.