Indoor Palm Trees

Here at Eddybrook we are all about plants and staying sane during the colder season. Here is a small list of palm trees you can care for in your home and bring a little summer to your like during this winter.

Parlor Palm Tree: If you have a shady spot for a plant, this is the palm for you. It thrives beautifully in low light. Give it some of the humidity of its native Central America and you'll keep it healthy.

Kentia Palm Tree: Kentia palms are easy to please indoors, tolerating lower light levels than many palm house plants. What's more, it's slow-growing and long-lived, so you'll enjoy this potted palm for many years.

European Fan Palm: It's slow-growing and small, reaching only 4 ft indoors. Give it a bit of elbow room, though. Its beautiful, fan-shaped fronds can reach up to 2 ft across. This is the only palm native to Europe and one of the few that can take direct sunlight. If you have a partially sunny spot for it, this is a spectacular accent tree.

Stay warm & enjoy your new additions in your home!