Too Much Rain?

Silly thought right? Plants NEED water so is there such a thing as too much?

The answer is yes! Although soil may seem solid here are lots of spaces between the particles. These spaces hold air, water and roots of plants. Roots need to absorb oxygen from the air space in the soil. When it rains too much the air is displaced leaving only water, depriving the plants of the oxygen they need. Too much rain can cause root rot  - we will elaborate on this in another blog.

What can help with this process? Raised garden beds with proper drainage designed during the installation process. A licensed landscape architect can help put a design together, or you can simply raise the bed so the water drains down leaving room at the top of the soil for air to come through. The choice is yours but be sure to consider this as spring rolls around.

Be sure to contact us here at Eddybrook if you have any questions!