Tree Tips

Thinking of adding more trees to your front or back yard? The perfect planting time is just around the corner, all during the season of autumn. Now is the time to start thinking about what you want! Here are some helpful tips in choosing the perfect trees:

-What size tree you need? This factor is decided by the size of your yard and the style you want.

-What kind of tree are you looking for? What appeals to you? Keep in mind the clean up during autumn. Will you want to rake leaves or are you good with some sort of pine? Research what you want before picking anything out. It’s always nice to learn about the trees and all the stages it goes through within a year.

-Where do you want to plant the tree? This is VERY important and if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask! According to research if you have proper landscaping placement in the summer time can reduce your cooling bill by 50% and during winter months can reduce your heating bill by 20-50%. Think of all the money you could be saving by simply planting trees in the proper place!

Keep Eddybrook in mind for all your tree and landscaping needs. Be sure to keep checking back for our autumn sales!