Eddybrook Community Spotlight: She Radiates

March is where International Women’s Day is celebrated. For the month of March we at Eddybrook are celebrating a non-profit organization in Columbus, OH called She Radiates. This organization is run by a young woman named Yiema John who thrives to share, help, challenge and have conversations with women of all walks of life. She Radiates is a small but growing community of women. Through events, trainings, brunch meetings and social media women grow. They are business owners, bloggers, mothers, daughters all finding their passions and how to communicate that to the world.

Yiema took the time to fill out a fun questionnaire about She Radiates, how she got started and fun facts about her:

  1. What is your name / name of company / position in the company? She Radiates! I’m the founder/president.

  2. What services does your company provide for those who are unfamiliar? We’re a non-profit working to connect women with the personal and professional training tools to help them grow.

  3. How long has your business been open? We launched in June 2018.

  4. What got you started in this business? I wanted to give women a safe space to learn and develop together without fear of judgment. 

  5. What is the number one misconception about the field that you are in? That women can’t genuinely want to help other women. 

  6. Let’s say someone reading this is interested in starting their own business, what advice do you have? Find other entrepreneurs ASAP! You need to surround yourself with people who relate to the journey you’re on. 

  7. What 3 things does anyone starting off in this industry need to know? To get started in the nonprofit world you NEED to 1. Do your research, 2. Incorporate in your state, and 3. Plan, plan, plan.

  8. What would you say is the #1 key to success in your business? Don’t be afraid of a small start. You’re learning and growing.

  9. Talk about the biggest failure you’ve ever experienced. What did you learn from it? Well, with my first business, I hosted an event and thought it was the best idea ever, and NO ONE came to it. I was so embarrassed, but it taught me to persevere. 

  10. What is your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success? The first She Radiates event is the biggest so far! Seeing so many excited faces just bonding over wanting to take over their lives and chase their dreams was so rewarding. 

  11. What does a typical day in your week look like? I typically wake up around 5:30-5:45 AM to just pray and relax, work on She Radiates, go to my 9-5 and from 8-10 more She Radiates! 

  12. What keeps you going when things get tough in your business? I think about that one person who is struggling and unsatisfied in their life. I think about where they are and how they need to know that they will make it and they can WIN, and they don’t need to be perfect to do it. 

  13. Do you have a favorite social media outlet? Instagram is my happy place! 

  14. Do you give back to the community in anyway or volunteer somewhere? If so, where / what do you do? Aside from She Radiates, I volunteer with my church and Junior League of Columbus.

  15. Where is your favorite place to go in Columbus? I love North Market! 

  16. What is your favorite movie? Gone with the Wind 

  17. What is your “pump up” song? Currently: Janelle Monae “I Got the Juice”

  18. Which people or books have had the most influence on your growth and why? My mother is the most influential person in my life and I would say “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz has had an impact in my life. 

  19. What is your favorite go to restaurant? Why? I love Akai Hana. I adore sushi and they are amazing at it. 

  20. What is your favorite hobby outside of work? I love DIY projects! I’m a YouTube University graduate. 

  21. Any final thoughts you’d like to share? Yes, I hope that anyone looking to start their business or blog understands that what they're doing is scary but the investment you make in yourself will be one of the most rewarding things you do.

To follow Yiema on her journey check out her website & social media outlets! SheRadiates614.com
