Eddybrook Community Spotlight April: Lightscape™ Outdoor Lighting

For the month of April, we are highlighting a neighboring company local to Johnstown called Lightscape™ Outdoor Lighting. The owner of this company Matt Nicols is a retired veteran of the Ohio Army, Ohio and West Virginia Air National Guard. From serving in the military, flying planes, attending college for landscape architecture, working at a Fortune 500 company for years - and much more. This is a snapshot of his career and how he got into stepping out on his own and doing what he loves. If you take a look through his portfolio of beautiful pictures you will start to question yourself why you don’t have lighting for your outdoor space. Residential, commercial and holiday lighting are his expertise. He is part of professional associations that enhance his skillset but keep up with trends. His career and works are truly remarkable. Below he took the time for our interview to dig a little deeper.

Eddybrook Community Spotlight Interview Questions:

1. What is your name / name of company / position in the company? Matt Nicol, Owner, Lightscape™ Outdoor Lighting.

2. What services does your company provide for those who are unfamiliar / what is your area of expertise?  Low Voltage LED Outdoor Landscape and Architectural Lighting, Christmas, Holiday & Special Event Lighting.

3. How long has your business been open? We are in our second year of business.

4. What got you started in this business? I've always had a passion for landscaping and the creative side, I love lighting and was a landscape architecture major in college but went into the military to pursue a flying career. I met a colleague a couple years ago in the business in Austin, TX who offered to mentor me and I left a 19 year corporate career with a Fortune 100 insurance company to start my own business.

5.What is the number one misconception about the field that you are in? Being able to twist wires together and point them on a house or tree doesn't make you a landscape lighting designer.  They are a multitude of products and installers whose focus is landscaping and/or outdoor services that will offer landscape lighting.  If you're going to invest in landscape and architectural lighting for your home or business, hire an outdoor lighting professional.

6. Let's say someone reading this is interested in starting their own business, what advice do you have? Go all in!! Stay laser focused, concentrate on your strengths and what your passionate about instead of what you think will make you the most money.   Be prepared to stay for the long hall, success doesn't come overnight. 

7. What 3 things does anyone starting off in this industry need to know? it's critical to have an "eye" for the design aspect of the lighting, find a mentor and join a professional organization such as The Association of Outdoor Lighting Professionals, (AOLP).

8. What would you say is the #1 key to success in your business? Passion, for what you do and for your clients.

9. Talk about the biggest failure you've ever experienced. What did you learn from it?  I had 8 Verizon Wireless retail stores, I closed them all during the recession in 2009. Having 8 stores with a large geography, managing retail/retail employees, long hours, weekends, holidays was extremely challenging   Coupled with a product that evolves rapidly with technology, I quickly learned I'd never do a retail venture again. 

10. What is your biggest customer success story? Why do you think if was a success? This past summer we took on one of our largest projects to date which had many different areas and and required a significant amount of both design and installation skills and technique.  The project turned out beautifully and won us a National award for landscape lighting design.

11. What does a typical day in your week look like? Our business is somewhat seasonal given Ohio's weather.  However, like most small business owners, it depends on what day of the week and the weather as to what hat I'm typically wearing.   You can find me either meeting with clients, designing their outdoor lighting plan or in the field conducting installations, either landscape & architectural lighting or Christmas lighting/holiday decor most days depending on the time of year. 

12. What keeps you going when things get tough in your business? Regularly eating a healthy diet, exercise, prayer/meditation, and balancing time with my wife/family and business.

13. Do you have a favorite social media outlet? FB and Instagram.

14. Do you give back to the community in anyway or volunteer somewhere?  Our family recently started doing trash pick-up along our roads in Monroe Township as a family activity twice a month.  We are active in the Vineyard Community Church on Crouse-Willison Rd. in Johnstown.

15. Where is your favorite place to go in Johnstown? Troyers!!  If it wasn't all the way on the east side of town I'd go there more!

16. What is your favorite movie? still Top Gun! Who's ready for Top Gun II? It's coming soon to a theatre near you!

17. What is your "pump up" song? AC/DC Thunderstruck!  Nothing like rocking out to the heavy bag in the basement to that song to get your blood pumping!

18. Which people or books have had the most influence on your growth and why? There are too many people and books to mention.  Most recently, the Warrior Black Book, authored by Garrett J. White.  Master Coach Mentor.  I went through an intensive 30 day coaching program about 18 months ago for married entrepreneurs that included 4 days in Laguna Beach, CA The program called "Warrior Week" was designed with the assistance of the Navy Seals and was 4 days of intense mental and physical training that teaches a discipline and habit based lifestyle for married businessmen, specifically entrepreneurs. 

19. What is your favorite go to restaurant? Why? Roosters... great wings, good place for the whole family, just wish we had one in Johnstown.

20. What is your favorite hobby outside of work? Hunting & Fishing. 

21. Any final thoughts you'd like to share? Thank you for the opportunity to share a little bit about our company. 

Thank you to Matt for participating this month for our Eddybrook Community Spotlight! For more information check out his designs on his website or social media! https://lightscapeoutdoors.com