New Year, New Changes!

Hello Friends!

We at Eddybrook have been making some minor changes to our website and social media. Some even bigger changes outside of what you may see on the surface and we are excited for them! For our staff, we have bought a new program to utilize to save time. For our clients, all you have to do is sit back and enjoy having the best yard on the street!

Our goal for 2020 is to use our time more wisely and streamline our work and communication more effectively. We strive to be the best landscape company for our clients so this means a lot of backend work outside of what you may see on sites from our employees.

Speaking on employees - we are starting the hiring process for our 2020 season! E-mail all resumes to to be considered. Stop by our Employment page to see what positions are open. We want to attract hard workers who desire to move up within our company.

Lastly, if you stumbled upon our page searching for a landscape company, please feel free to contact us. If you’re interested in changing landscaping companies consider using a family owned, operated and local business today!

Wishing you & your family an amazing start to 2020!