Mowing Wet Grass

Hi friends!

During spring we see an influx of rain (April showers bring May flowers) and I get questions about why our crews don’t mow when it’s extremely wet outside. There are many good reasons why you shouldn’t be mowing grass when it is wet. 

  1. You really could slip, especially if you already have trouble getting around. 

  2. Grass clippings will likely clump, leaving your lawn looking patchy and unattractive.

  3. The grass will not be in an optimum mowing state either, so the finished cut will probably not be neat and tidy. 

  4. If you’re a lawn perfectionist, you might have to accept the grass’s unruliness for now and wait until it has a chance to sunbathe.

  5. Chlorophyll in the grass is far more likely to stain when wet. Your body, your clothes, your driveway, and even your house might end up spotted with green from the clumped clippings. 

  6. Lastly, wet grass is sticky grass. The grass may stick to the underside of your mower or clog the motor. 

It is best to wait once the sun come up and dries the ground a bit. The true green light is if your grass is sticking straight up and not bent over from moisture. 

Happy mowing!
