De-Icing Alternatives

As we discussed in a previous blog the damage ice does to plants nearby and soil, below are some green ways to take care of winter ice:

Potato juice: Mixed with salt, it is fa less corrosive as normal salt and can handle below freezing temperatures.

Pickle Brine: The green liquid mixed with salt is effective and the cost is less that normal salt. Research says it is a lot better for the environment too with releasing less chloride. 

Cheese Brine: According to studies mixed with salt, cheese brine helps stick to the surface and melt ice faster.

Beet juice: With sugar extracted, beet juice mixed with salt has been proven to melt ice faster. There have been complaints of how it smells and how it sicks to surfaces.

All options are low cost and are typically things we dump down a drain. Unusual but effective when tested out. Happy de-icing!