Flooding in your Yard

With temperatures inching towards warmer degrees we will be experiencing some rain. This will cause some flooding as you have noticed after last night's storm around central Ohio! In early spring before lawns begin active growth (lawn is still mostly brown) and the ground is still thawing, lawn grasses can withstand several days of being submerged without suffering serious damage. If flood waters are cold the lawns can go even longer periods of time submerged.

After everything has melted and dried up here are some precautions you can take for your yard:
-Pick up any debris from the winter in your yard (equipment, leaves, wood, furniture)
-Any damaged areas on your lawn should be covered in top soil
-Seeding before it gets too hot is good but the best time is mid-August-October to preserve everything as it gets colder and dormant for the season.

Enjoy the warmer weather!