New Sod Information

How often and how much should it be watered?

Watering is the single most important step in successfully establishing new lawn. During warm weather you should start watering sections of installed sod as you are laying the sod. To check if your sod needs water, lift up a corner of the sod. During the first 2-3 weeks the bottom of the sod should never be dry.

The soil on the back of the sod should be damp to wet. If it is not damp, water at least 30 minutes. Second through fifth day watering – Check your lawn at least one time per day or more than once if it is hot or windy.

How long should you stay off of it?

First Two Weeks. Please stay off new sod until after the first mowing. Proper watering of sod is essential for root establishment. The day of installation, enough water should be applied to penetrate the sod and two inches of native soil.

As always feel free to ask us questions about Sod or anything else! Happy planting!