Your Lawn During Winter

Have you looked out the window at any point this winter thinking "Wow my lawn looks terrible!" ? During the winter your lawn goes dormant, not growing and it's been completely covered with snow for a long period of time. Think about it, covered in snow, ice, salt and experiencing below freezing temperatures can take a toll, even on a very healthy lawn.

When the freezing temps warm up just a bit to where the snow melts away this is when you can take action and help your muddy and patchy lawn. Seeding your lawn now before the next snowfall can help the process of it growing for spring time.  Dormant seeding is the practice of sowing grass in the winter months when grass seeds are inactive. While there is little value in scattering seed, spreading grass seed over bare or patchy areas between snowfalls gives seeds an opportunity to sink in the soil before germinating. Subsequent periods of freezing and thawing will help the process along, creating cracks and crevices in which seeds may settle before eventually be covered over by shifting soil.

Dormant seeding may take place anytime during the months of November through February, it really depends on the weather season itself. As it gets to be a little bit warmer towards February into March is when germination will take place.

Stay warm this winter!