Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day from Eddybrook! Here are the top 5 popular flowers to get for Mother's Day:
1. Carnations
2. Daffodils
3. Roses
4. Tulips
5. Daisies

The following tips help the mothers who receive flowers from their children on Mother's Day to keep the flowers fresh for an extended amount of time:
1. Water is the most vital aspect of flower care. Try to keep the flowers in water to keep them fresh.
2. Keep the flowers cool. Warm temperatures shorten the life of the blooms.
3. When the flowers start to wilt, remove the stem from the arrangement and re-cut the stem. Next, submerge the entire flower in warm water.
4. Potted plants are also a popular gift. Like arrangements, keep them in a cool location and avoid heat drafts or dry air for longer color.

Happy planting!