Eddybrook Community Spotlight: Loved Well

For the month of May Eddybrook will be placing a spotlight on a new ministry called Loved Well. Kate Frantz has taken her vision and heart and brought it to life with this new ministry. Loved Well is all about loving people into wellness, this requires going into the hospitals, praying, loving and visiting the sick.

Below to get to know Kate a little bit more we have asked her some questions:

  1. What is your name / name of company / position in the company? Kate Frantz. Loved Well. Founder. 

  2. What services does your company provide for those who are unfamiliar? Loved Well is a hospital outreach ministry - we throw parties for unwell children, visit the sick, and more recently, started a fund devoted to raising money for family expenses. 

  3. How long has your business been open? We just launched! Valentine's Day of this year. 

  4. What got you started in this business? I started praying for a sick baby girl in 2017 and it just launched this passion to minister to the sick in a tangible way. I never thought Loved Well would be what was born from that passion - but at the end of 2018 it all came to together. 

  5. What is the number one misconception about the field that you are in? Hospitals are scary. 

  6. Let’s say someone reading this is interested in starting their own business, what advice do you have? Go for it! Do you see a need and there isn't something out there fulfilling it? - be the answer to the problem you see. 

  7. What 3 things does anyone starting off in this industry need to know? 1. Be patient. 2. Be persistent. 3. Don't forget WHY you started. 

  8. What would you say is the #1 key to success in your business? P R A Y E R and consistency. 

  9. Talk about the biggest failure you’ve ever experienced. What did you learn from it? Since we're fairly new, I would say the biggest "fail" we've had is underestimating some of the challenges we would face getting into hospitals and when we do, delivering to their expectations. 

  10. What is your biggest customer success story? Why do you think if was a success? We recently were invited to pray for a little boy battling leukemia and were able to raise money for his family. That was amazing. 

  11. What does a typical day in your week look like? I work through my daughters nap-time, so it looks a lot like parenting a toddler and parenting an infant ministry. Some days are more productive than others. 

  12. What keeps you going when things get tough in your business? Since starting there have been five children that have passed away that the Loved Well community was praying for. Those have been tough to accept, but also confirms why we exist - to minister to the sick and bring comfort to families in mourning. 

  13. Do you have a favorite social media outlet? I love the grrrrrram. 

  14. Do you give back to the community in anyway or volunteer somewhere? If so, where / what do you do? Personally I make sure to try and be an aid to my local church, make it out of the country on a short-term missions trip yearly, and also be apart of what my husband does full-time (prison ministry). 

  15. Where is your favorite place to go? Anywhere wild. Nova Scotia and Scotland have been visually stunning. I also love the Upper Peninsula because of it's untamed nature. 

  16. What is your favorite movie? The Lord of the Rings trilogies are straight fire. 

  17. What is your “pump up” song? Don't Bring Me Down by ELO, Killer Queen by Queen, Short Skirt Long Jacket by Cake, and ALWAYS ALWAYS Raise a Hallelujah by Bethel. 

  18. Which people or books have had the most influence on your growth and why? Always Enough by Rolland and Heidi Baker because their life journey has been so inspiring in the area of obedience and self-sacrifice. God's Generals: the Martyrs by Robert Liardon has TRANSFORMED me for the better - again, in the area of obedience and what it means to say 'yes' and what true Love looks like. 

  19. What is your favorite go to restaurant? Why? Chipotle! Not only is their food clean, but they make it very easy to construct plant-based meals for myself and daughter.

  20. What is your favorite hobby outside of work? Reading, watching Great British Bake Off, and working out. 

  21. Any final thoughts you’d like to share? Don't sit on the injustice you feel when you see the pains of the world, don't sleep on your passions. If you want to start a non-profit or business - do your research, and make it happen. My current favorite quote is "It is inconceivable that we could be bored in a world with so much wrong to tackle" (William Wilburforce)


A huge thank you to Kate Frantz, founder of this amazing ministry Loved Well for participating this month. We look forward to seeing your ministry grow!

Visit LovedWell.org for more information.