Hummingbird Garden

Looking to start a garden but wanting to attract hummingbirds? Here are some great trees & flowers to look into!

Trees and Shrubs:
Azalea, Butterfly Bush (Buddleia), Cape Honeysuckle, Flame Acanthus, Flowering Quince, Lantana, Manzanita, Mimosa, Red Buckeye, Tree Tobacco, Turk's Cap and Weigela

Coral Honeysuckle, Cypress Vine, Morning Glory, Scarlet Runner Bean, Trumpet Creeper, Female Ruby-throat and Columbines

Some may be annuals or perennials depending on climate.

Perennials: Bee Balm (Monarda), Canna, Cardinal Flower, Columbine, Coral Bells, Four O'Clocks, Foxglove, Hosta, Hummingbird Mint (Agastache), Little Cigar, Lupine, Penstemon, Yucca

Annuals: Beard Tongue (and other penstemons), Firespike, Fuchsia, Impatiens, Jacobiana, Jewelweed, Petunia, Various Salvia species, Shrimp Plant


Happy Gardening!