Thinning Plants

Three years ago we decided to start a fruit and vegetable garden and there have been some trial and error moments. One thing we have learned the hard way is that thinning seedlings is also part of the process and that is something I've never learned anywhere. Crowded plants limit air movement and cause fungal disease especially if the foliage is wet for long periods of time.

I bought dirt pods to start the plants in the house and I got too "seed happy" and put more than two seeds in per pod and this caused the crowding per pod. Thinking not all seeds will germinate a few won't hurt - boy was I wrong! If planted directly in the ground it would have been an easy process to thin out but we tried something new with big trays of dirt pods. We started the growing process really early fortunately and we can start over to do it the correct way just in time for great weather! Like I mentioned before, we are learning and researching a lot on what works so there will be more blogs to come. The dirt pods are a great resource but be careful with how many seeds you plant!

Contact us for more advice on gardening or let us know some of your tips to keep your garden flourishing!