Eddybrook Community Spotlight: Bloom & Spruce, LLC

Eddybrook Community Spotlight Interview Questions:

  1. What is your name / name of company / position in the company? My name is Cassy Eddy and I’m the owner of Bloom and Spruce, LLC. I also help out a lot at Eddybrook Tree Farm & Landscaping!

  2. What services does your company provide for those who are unfamiliar? I am an urban fresh cut flower farmer that offers styling services as well as wholesale services. Bloom and Spruce has a shop on-line as well full of eco friendly products from some of our designs. Right now I am strictly growing florals in my setup of an indoor greenhouse to control the climate.

  3. How long has your business been open? Officially with the state of Ohio since January but my passion for growing flowers has been my entire life.

  4. What got you started in this business? After getting married and actually having land (I grew up in the city) thats when my passion really took off. Also, being around my husband and his family (Eddybrook Tree Farm & Landscaping) they are all entrepreneurs. This was a completely different environment for me but I wanted to start something on my own that I was passionate about. I adore meeting with brides and styling weddings!

  5. What is the number one misconception about the field that you are in? That it’s easy and a quick process. So much goes into growing flowers and it’s tough relying on nature. Even the times when I source for florals the time and care I put into them is a lot to ensure they remain fresh for special occasions.

  6. Let’s say someone reading this is interested in starting their own business, what advice do you have? Do your research, surround yourself with some supportive and knowledgable people and dream BIG. Don’t let anyone or anything stand in the way of your passion, desire and happiness. Do what makes YOU happy!

  7. What 3 things does anyone starting off in this industry need to know? 1. How to grow flowers. 2. How to style and help plan events. 3. How to network and be your biggest cheerleader. - People can buy flowers anywhere but why should they buy them from you?

  8. What would you say is the #1 key to success in your business? Being transparent with my clients. Communication is key and it makes everyone feel at ease. Come up with a plan/design and execute it. Yes, there may be a snag or a few but always communicate it and come up with a solution. I always say come up with a solution or plan of action before addressing a problem with a client.

  9. Talk about the biggest failure you’ve ever experienced. What did you learn from it? I have been fired from a job. I was young, wanted to leave work on time and leave it all at the door and this job was not for me at the time. I would work sometimes up to 60 hours and only be paid for 40, I was always on call and I rarely got a day off. At the time I did throw myself into it but all the over time I became burnt out and didn’t know how to communicate it. I grew a lot from that experience in communicating and learning how to say the word “no” because that’s alright too!

  10. What is your biggest customer success story? Why do you think if was a success? I think anytime I deliver a product and people rave about it are my favorite stories. OR when something isn’t in season here and I’m able to source to get the customer exactly what they want. Those are the best! Plus seeing peonies when it’s freezing outside in Ohio and smelling them…priceless!

  11. What does a typical day in your week look like? I’m a stay at home working mom. I spend 3 full days a week with my son he’s going to be 2 this month. I do normal tasks but on top of that (during meals & nap time) I catch up on social media and e-mails. I start my real work “day” at night once he is asleep. I designate 2 days a week for him to be at daycare playing with other kids and I solely work and have meeting days.

  12. What keeps you going when things get tough in your business? My family keeps me grounded. They push me to be better and challenge me.

  13. Do you have a favorite social media outlet? Instagram hands down. It’s amazing for business and so much fun to use. 

  14. Do you give back to the community in anyway or volunteer somewhere? If so, where / what do you do? I help wherever I can! I have volunteered at some community gardens and for Loved Well on their prayer team. I would love to volunteer more and hope to once my son is a bit older!

  15. Where is your favorite place to go in Johnstown? The Johnstown Family Restaurant. I try to go at least a few times a month for breakfast or lunch. They have amazing food, amazing staff and they don’t even hand me a menu! It’s like family.

  16. What is your favorite movie? I am a sucker for all the Mission Impossible movies. Honestly anything that has me stressed out and on the edge of my seat.

  17. What is your “pump up” song? My favorite band is Third Eye Blind so anything from them is nice. Also, I am subscribed to Apple Music and I really like the Chill Mix they create for me there if I’m stuck working on the computer for a long period of time.

  18. Which people or books have had the most influence on your growth and why? My family, my husband and any book by Rachel Hollis. She’s a genius.

  19. What is your favorite go to restaurant? Why? Roosters! It’s a place where kids can be loud, the food is fantastic and reasonably priced.

  20. What is your favorite hobby outside of work? Taking care of plants, it’s still within work but I love greenery!

  21. Any final thoughts you’d like to share? You only have one life so do what makes you happy!