Bamboo Fence

During recent travels I discovered that bamboo is used as a natural fence in the south. I saw different sizes, colors and this made me question is this a better alternative? Sure it's a quick easy fix to a natural fence line desired, but it can grow out of control. There’s no denying bamboo makes a pretty exotic screen. And with its slender form, it is seemingly ideal for tight urban spaces. Yet, in no time new shoots will appear outside its planting space, creating a maintenance nightmare. Also the height can be an issue as well. Bamboo can grow up to 20 feet tall and requires a lot of taming.

If you ever decided to get rid of bamboo that is a whole other job in itself. Just some things to think about in your garden - bamboo is a beautiful plant but A LOT of work in the long run. Always do your research or you can ask if you have any questions.